"use strict"; /* --- Anita Config --- */ const anita_config = { /* --- Header and Main Menu --- */ // Main Menu config for quick and same result for all pages. // Use 'Label' : 'url' for menu items and 'Label' : { ... } for Submenus. Don't forget about commas after each item. main_menu: { 'About us': '../sub01/menu01.php?topmenu=01', 'Portfolio': '../sub03/menu01.php?topmenu=03', 'Contact Us': '../sub01/menu02.php?topmenu=01' }, // Option to stick the header to the top of the page sticky_header: true, // Menu items appear delay in milliseconds fs_menu_delay: 100, /* --- Social Links --- */ socials: { 'instagram' : { 'url': 'https://www.instagram.com/wizdesign.lab/', 'label': 'Instagram.' }, 'youtube' : { 'url': 'https://www.youtube.com/@user-py3wb7jg2v/featured', 'label': 'Youtube.' }, }, /* --- Content Features --- */ // Page background Spotlight Effect spotlight: true, // Back to Top Button back2top: true, // Interractive Cursor int_cursor: true, /* --- Protection Options --- */ // Right Click Protection disable_right_click: true, // Protect Images from Drag image_drag_protection: false, /* --- Localization --- */ l10n: { // Footer Copyright string copyright: ' ', // The message that appears when visitors try to open context menu rcp_message: 'Thank you for visiting our site.', // The Button Label for Context Menu blocker rcp_button: 'Close', // Back to Top Label b2t_label: 'Back to Top' } } /* --- Activate Preloader --- */ jQuery('body').append('
'); jQuery('body').addClass('is-loading'); /* --- Checking WebGL2 Availability --- */ function Anita_isWebGL2Available() { try { const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); return !! ( window.WebGL2RenderingContext && canvas.getContext( 'webgl2' ) ); } catch ( e ) { return false; } } /* --- Class: Pan Axis Class --- */ class Anita_PanAxis { constructor( sens ) { let this_class = this; this.xs = 0; this.xd = 0; this.ys = 0; this.yd = 0; this.ax = 0; this.sens = sens; document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { this_class.xs = e.touches[0].clientX; this_class.ys = e.touches[0].clientY; }, false); document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) { if ( ! this_class.ax ) { // X if ( this_class.xs ) { this_class.xd = this_class.xd + Math.abs( this_class.xs - e.touches[0].clientX ); this_class.xs = e.touches[0].clientX; } if ( this_class.ys ) { this_class.yd = this_class.yd + Math.abs( this_class.ys - e.touches[0].clientY ); this_class.ys = e.touches[0].clientY; } // Check Axis if (this_class.xd > this_class.sens) { this_class.ax = 'x'; } if (this_class.yd > this_class.sens) { this_class.ax = 'y'; } } }, false); document.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { // Reset Values this_class.xs = 0; this_class.xd = 0; this_class.ys = 0; this_class.yd = 0; this_class.ax = 0; }, false); } getAxis() { return this.ax; } } const anita_axis = new Anita_PanAxis( 10 ); /* --- Anita Clock --- */ class Anita_Clock { constructor(autoStart = true) { this.autoStart = autoStart; this.startTime = 0; this.oldTime = 0; this.elapsedTime = 0; this.running = false; } start() { this.startTime = this.now(); this.oldTime = this.startTime; this.elapsedTime = 0; this.running = true; } stop() { this.getElapsedTime(); this.running = false; this.autoStart = false; } getElapsedTime() { this.getDelta(); return this.elapsedTime; } getDelta() { let diff = 0; if (this.autoStart && !this.running) { this.start(); return 0; } if (this.running) { const newTime = this.now(); diff = (newTime - this.oldTime) / 1000; this.oldTime = newTime; this.elapsedTime += diff; } return diff; } now() { return (typeof performance === 'undefined' ? Date : performance).now() } } /* --- Class: Lazy Loader --- */ class Anita_Lazy { constructor( options = {}) { let _self = this; this.items = new Array(); if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) { this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if ( ! entry.isIntersecting ) { return; } else { _self.preloadImage( entry.target ); _self.observer.unobserve( entry.target ); } }); }, options); } else { this.observer = false; } } addItem( $el ) { let $item; if ($el instanceof jQuery) { $item = $el; } else { $item = jQuery($el); } if ( ! this.observer ) { $item.attr('src', $item.attr('data-src')); } else { $item.wrap('
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\ \ \ \
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'+ _self.options.l10n.rcp_message +'

\ '+ _self.options.l10n.rcp_button +'\
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